3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Children Using Technology in Preschool Age

Today’s youth is the highest consumer of technology and gadgets and out of which a significant share goes to the age slots of 1–4 years as well. These days, the children are smarter and much aware of the technology and its usage. Cartoon films and educational videos, which had viewership on television; are slowly shifting to mobiles and tablets. Although technology helps us in accessing information more conveniently, it also has few drawbacks. As a parent, it is vital for you to understand the good and bad about technology and gadgets so that you can be assured of your child’s overall development.

Let’s have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of technology and how it may affect your young ones


Technology provides a source of educational entertainment for children

As mentioned above, today the viewership is moving towards web platforms rapidly. Be it TV serials, daily news, live sports or movies; the majority of us are using it, and so are our children. With the help of technology, your child can easily access his/her favorite nursery rhyme or a solution to a math problem.

Kids have access to more information

Today’s kids are very smart, faster in thought process and more creative with the help of technology. Today even a 2-year-old can access the favorite cartoon series on YouTube. Thus, technology helps the kids to be up to date with the latest updates in their area of interest.

Technology helps children learn other skills or develop natural talents

With the abundance of information on various online platforms, your child gets a great opportunity to sharpen a skill of interest like music, sports, dancing, drawing, etc. There are a lot of YouTube channels, websites and online courses which have fun-and-learn teaching style for your child.


Technology creates new safety risks for children

Although technology has proven to be a boon, it also has some drawbacks. It is challenging to control what content your child is consuming and whom they are interacting with. Hence, as a parent and pre-school staff, we need to make sure that the child is in safe hands. We can always monitor the child’s activity so that we are aware of online scammers, fraud, etc.

It creates in-person social disconnects

Overuse of technology may also create a social disconnect in your child. Today, children can be seen accessing mobile for hours together without having a track of time. It even happens that the child might not eat food on time and thus faces a decline in appetite. Kid’s contents are a bit aggressive verbally and visually that your child might consume unwanted content. As a pre-school, we follow a policy of limited use of technology and gadgets and give your child more time to interact with other children, involved in group activities that provide holistic development to your child.

It promotes a sedentary lifestyle for kids

Overuse of technology may also lead to your child becoming inactive. Prolonged sitting may also cause bone deformation at an early age. Also, it affects your child’s overall health as children need more activity to convert the consumed food into energy. This may lead to digestion and gastric issues if not taken care of one time.

To overcome this challenge, we can always limit the usage of technology and motivate our child to participate in sports, dancing, team activities, etc to keep them physically active.

At Little Wings, we understand the pros and cons of technology and as a top pre-school in Ahmedabad, we make sure that the technology is only helping your child to improve themselves and picking new creative skills and passion. Like every other thing, technology also has the good and the bad side. It is crucial to engage our child in more or physical and social development, and thus we use the holistic approach to develop your child’s overall personality while keeping them a bit updated with the latest technology.

We help your child understand the difference and help them develop skills using the positive aspects of technology.



Little Wings Holistic Childhood Center
Little Wings Holistic Childhood Center

We are the pioneers of holistic learning in Ahmedabad with high-end learning environment and experienced set of skilled teachers.