How to Decide the Ideal Age for Children to Seek Preschool Admission?

Most parents prefer preschool admission or nursery admission of their child between the ages of 1.5 to 2.5 years. Most of the preschools start enrolment at around age 2 ½, while some parents put children in day-cares at 3 years of age.

There is no predefined appropriate age for pre-schooling as not just age, but plenty of other factors play a vital role in deciding preschool admission of children.

Online preschool admission has made the process quite easy and so now parents can select the right program for their child in a more efficient manner.

Nursery admissions 2019–2022 may well start now for children who are 1.5 years of age. However, that does not mean you have to rush your child into a Best kids playschool in Ahmedabad out of fear of missing out.

It depends on how mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared the children are to adapt to a new environment like a preschool.

While the admissions to preschools are open around this time, consider how it is the first time they will be staying away from home for quite some time.

Visiting the preschool or online admission of preschool for children can help to determine when to admit your child in a preschool as there is still no full-proof method for deciding ideal preschool admission age.

Parents need to apply different holistic methods and be vigilant enough in noticing their children’s overall growth and behavior.

All these can help to decide an ideal age for enrolling them in the best daycare school in Ahmedabad. For some, it maybe 2 years considering the nursery admission while for others it can be 3 or even 4 years.

Remember, it is never too early, nor too late. Preschool education is the foundation and should be done at the right time to ensure a holistic child development.

Important factors to consider when looking at preschool readiness:

1. Level of Independence

Before your kid’s preschool admission, certain basic self-care skills are required. Children need to be independent as they will be without parents for a couple of hours.

The parent will not be there for their child in the daycare center in Ahmedabad where they learn how to use a toilet or at least start asking teachers to help them out when needed.

In other words, certain basic self-care such as eating, drinking water, washing hands after painting or lunch, holding their own stuff, putting on their shoes, etc. is required. Other than these, parents should also make sure that their child is potty trained.

Read More: How to choose the best preschool for your toddler?

2. Ability to spend time away from parents

This is really important as preschool admission may lead to separation anxiety for some children.

No parent can see their child crying every day while going to school. Of course, it is natural to cry for the first few days but after some time children start enjoying the time at preschool.

However, parents need to plan some activities so that children who get separation anxiety get trained to stay away from parents for a couple of hours without any tantrums.

Family culture at Little Wings School

You can ask your child to spend some time with their grandparents for some hours initially and then for one or two days.

You can also leave them with neighbors for a couple of hours etc. Hiring a caregiver for a few hours can also be a great change for them. It would also be a good way to ensure that they can stay away from parents and spend some comfortable time with strangers.

Such tricks help to deal with separation issues and prepare toddlers for a different environment, like a preschool.

Although most preschools in Ahmedabad will allow one of the parents to sit with the child for an hour or two on their first few days, such activities are helpful before starting the preschool admission process.

Read More: Role of Parenting Programs in Early Childhood Development

3. Social concern/ readiness

Nowadays, most people live in a nuclear family so children may not have been exposed to a large number of people or groups. So, for many kids, preschools are their first experience to interact with a large group of kids and being around them.

It is important to ensure that your child is ready for that. Some kids have the advantage of living in joint families, having siblings or they are just naturally more outgoing — such kids find it easier to interact with a large group.

However, for some kids, interacting with other children leads to a severe case of anxiety. They simply may not be ready for that kind of social environment yet. To overcome something like that, you can do home-schooling before their preschool admission and make them emotionally and socially ready.

4. Stamina, schedule, and health

One of the most important things to check before sending your toddlers to preschool is to ensure the child is physically ready to spend a full day or at least half a day without getting tired or cranky.

A preschool is an active place where children are going to do many activities such as art and painting, field trips, jumping, running, playgroup activities, etc.

Usually, with preschool admission, a standardized timetable is ensured in which they have scheduled a time for play/fun activities.

Also, preschools have other learning activities, snack time, playground and finally lunch.

If your child does not like to do many activities at a go, loves to take naps frequently or wants to play passive games, then maybe it is not a time for preschool education yet.

If your kid is unable to cope up with a similar routine or wants to do different things then they probably need to be trained for preschool.

Health and stamina play an important role here as your child is going to be with a group of kids all the time after the nursery admission.

Being prone to recurrent sickness easily or vulnerable to infection may severely affect their health.

5. Group Activities

Nursery admissions will open a plethora of group activities not only for fun but also as a part of learning. They start interacting with other kids and such interactions give a child the opportunity to play and learn together.

However, group activities are not always about playground games it also includes sitting still, listening to stories, singing songs, etc. which can be very difficult for kids under 3 as they are very agile in nature and cannot sit quietly in one place for more than 10 minutes. A way to make sure your child can be quiet and sit still before you send them to the best preschool in Ahmedabad, make sure to involve your child in group activities.

Group Activities at Top Preschool in Ahmedabad

If your child isn’t used to group activities, you can take some steps. For instance, take them to the local library. You can also arrange kids’ parties in which they play different games together or sign up for a class such as tumbling to help them get used to playing with other children.

The last, but most important question — can you understand what your kid is saying? This is really very important. Before you send her to preschool check if they can communicate properly.

Is their speech understandable? Can a teacher or other kids understand what they are trying to say? If not, then it is not the right time to send them to a preschool. You need to work on their speech so that they can communicate easily with everyone and don’t lose their confidence.



Little Wings Holistic Childhood Center
Little Wings Holistic Childhood Center

We are the pioneers of holistic learning in Ahmedabad with high-end learning environment and experienced set of skilled teachers.