Josh Murchie
4 min readOct 10, 2018


We are pleased to announce that Greenpeace will be one of the first beta charities to be featured on the Little Phil platform and contribute to the ongoing user experience design.

Our Charity Partners

Little Phil is proud to be partnered with a variety of progressive charities from across the globe that have the foresight to implement emergent technologies that will help them toward their goals of making the world
a better place. As they have first hand experience with industry wide problems, they are pivotal in shaping the future of charitable giving by collaborating with us through our alpha and beta testing phases
of the platform.

About Greenpeace

Established 1971

Headquarters in New South Wales

Operational Regions — Australia and the Pacific

Charity Scope — Environment

Greenpeace is a non-governmental which operates in 55 countries around the world. They are the leading independent campaigning organisation that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Australia and the Pacific are unique and precious environments with a beautiful climate, rich oceans, vast forests and healthy food. Yet all of this is under threat. Greenpeace takes action to protect our natural home, now and for the future.

Some of Greenpeace’s current projects:

Creating a Coal Free Future

Australia is the world’s biggest coal exporter and the worst per capita carbon polluter of any developed country.

Greenpeace believes our choice is clear — do we continue burning coal, pumping carbon pollution into the atmosphere, killing thousands of people each year and signing a death warrant for the Great Barrier Reef? Instead, Greenpeace sees a Coal Free world of clean, renewable energy, of justice and cooperation, where we can breathe freely and where our precious coral reefs thrive.

Making renewable energy available for everyone

Renewable energy is clean, reliable and affordable. Greenpeace believes that 100% renewable energy is achievable, and are campaigning for the government to change policies to allow this to happen by 2030.

Protecting Forests

Greenpeace will work as part of a broader global movement to deliver the following goals:

  1. Halt deforestation globally by 2020 (in line with UN Sustainable Development target 15.2)
  2. Massively reduce forest degradation globally (prioritizing intact forest landscapes)
  3. Restore 500 million hectares of native forests by 2030 (exceeding the CBD Aichi target 15 and the New York Declaration of Forests)

Greenpeace’s actions to protect and restore forests aim to make a decisive contribution to the Paris Climate agreement goal to keep a global temperature change below a 1.5°C change, complementing efforts to phase-out fossil fuel emissions by 2050.

Protecting Oceans

Every second breath we take comes from the ocean. Healthy oceans are the life support system for our planet, providing 97 percent of the Earth’s livable habitat and a home to more than 700,000 different species of life.

If oceans die they stop providing us with functions such as oxygen production which is critical to life on earth. Oceans also store and cycle vast amounts of carbon that is critical in regulating our climate, not to mention they provide food for millions.

Greenpeace is also trying to protect the Great Barrier Reef, which is under unprecedented threat. When ocean temperatures stay too warm for too long, corals expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues, going completely white. This is coral bleaching. Corals can survive bleaching if the water temperatures drop quickly into a normal range, but if it stays too warm, they die.

They are also out to protect the Pacific Islands, The Bight, and the Antarctic.

Ending plastic at its source

Plastic can take hundreds of years to break down, and it often ends up in the ocean. 90% of plastic worldwide doesn’t end up getting recycled. Greenpeace has successfully campaigned for plastic bag bans in most states, and is currently working on campaigning to large supermarket chains to stop creating single-use plastic waste (for example, packaged fresh produce).

Defending Democracy

Greenpeace is fighting against bills which are threatening to silence environmental and humanitarian groups as well as anyone who donates to those groups.

Save the Great Barrier Reef

Little Phil has a Global Reach

Little Phil has strategically pinpointed amazing charities both locally and internationally to begin early testing. Having this global reach means we can comprehensively test and scale our platform to suit different types of charities among a variety of cultures, whether they’re a small charity helping the local community or international non-profit with multiple projects on the go

Who is Little Phil?

Little Phil is a small team using blockchain technology to radically transform the giving experience. People can better connect emotionally with causes that resonate with them, see exactly where their money is going & ultimately experience and share the rewarding pleasure of giving.

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Josh Murchie

Co-founder & CEO & Head of Impact ProjectX | blockchain for social impact | micro-philanthropy