PSVR Littlstar VR Cinema v1.20 / v1.21

Brandon Plaster
Rad TV
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Hey all!

First off, thank you all for your continued support! We love all the feature requests that we get, and wish we could implement them faster for you, but given the nature of our small team, we really appreciate your patience!

We’ve got a pretty feature-packed update for you and I thought it would be worthwhile to give it a brief write-up so you know what’s up. For those who want an in-depth overview, I’m going to go through each of the release notes, but here’s the quick TL;DR bulleted version:

  • Sideload folder support
  • Sideload thumbnail support (Instructions)
  • Fixed Frame (FF) Theatre setting
  • Adjustable FF screen curvature
  • Adjustable FF screen size
  • FF streaming
  • Variable seek functionality

Sideload Folder Support

One of the most requested features, we’ve now enabled the visualization of folders on USB drives. While the “All” section of the library still displays everything in a flattened view, the “Sideloaded” section retains the folder structure on the USB. You’ll still need to organize the drive on a separate computer, but it will at least let you navigate through folders and find videos faster!

Sideload Thumbnail Support

Probably the most requested feature, we’ve finally enabled a first iteration of thumbnail support. Right now this is still in its infancy, so it requires you to bake the image into the video (Instructions), but we’ll look at automating this is the future.

Fixed Frame Theatre Improvements

We did a bunch of work on the fixed frame theatre mode, including the addition of a physical theatre setting, and we’ve enabled a customized screen. You can now adjust the curvature to be either flat or curved, and you can adjust the scale to your liking. We’ve also enabled support for the streaming of fixed frame content, so keep an eye out for even more exciting content coming your way!

Variable Seek Functionally

We also realized the tediousness of having to wait a while to seek, so we’ve updated how we do seeking. Instead of having to hold down the right analog stick, you can hit L2 or R2 to seek at 1x speed, hit it again for 2x speed, and so on up to 3x, and then hit X to start playing. You can still use the right analog stick too, and it functions similarly to L2/R2.

We hope you all enjoy this update, and please let us know if you run into any issues with it! As always, feel free to contact us at with any issues or suggestions!

Take care,

Brandon @ Littlstar

