I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m getting there.

Being normal is just not my kind of thing.

I didn’t have a normal childhood, nor a normal adolescence. So it’s not like I was expecting to have a normal adulthood.

My life can be summarised in numbers, yet I’ve always hated math: 0 brothers, 1 parent, 8 schools in 11 years through out 3 countries and 4 cities, 2 high school diplomas at 17 and a College degree by the age of 20.

I’m not special, just not normal. I’m not exceptional, just not ordinary.

No roots and a broken compass, and a passport that says I’m Italian. If you say so. I’ve never felt like I belonged, and honestly I don’t see the need to fit in.

My friends, high school classmates, college buddies and former co-workers, friends of friends and family members: everyone’s growing up; and growing old. Settling down. Getting married. Having a kid, or even two. Applying for a bank loan, and buying a car. The boldest ones are still renting (seriously Mike, it’s time you bought that house).

Then there’s me. Wasting my life travelling; and when I’m not travelling, I’m making plans to travel. And in my spare time, I do freelancing jobs which allow me to pay off my travels. My hobbies involve writing and reading, and founding start-ups that I can work on with just a laptop and an internet connection. Just to make sure I keep on not laying the groundwork for a normal life.

The thing is, the life society has taught you to live is just not one I will ever lead. Can you blame me? Choosing a different life-style doesn’t make you reckless or irresponsible (Hi Mom!), nor a Peter Pan (but then again, what’s wrong with that?). It just makes you distant from the others; a maverick.

There is something extremely fascinating about not having your next 10 years totally planned out. I don’t know where I’ll be in six months (although Indonesia sounds cool!) and I don’t know where I’ll be in 5 years. Can you say the same for yourself?

I’m sure our only purpose in life is to be happy, to make the most of the numbered days we have been given; and wasting my countdown hating Monday mornings and waiting around for Friday afternoon is just not that appealing to me, sorry world.

People are always coming up to me trying to figure out why I like this way of living and so many answers come to mind that I don’t know where to start from. But all I end up telling them is: why not?



Live a life you are proud of

I speak four languages, yet I never seem to have the words to express my thoughts.