CANCER SAVED MY LIFE !!! Live Again Story of Jazz Singer Sandra Booker

Live Again Project
Live Again Project
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017

“Cancer Saved My Life! ” “Cancer was best thing that has ever happened to me.” “I’m so grateful to had cancer.” These phrases may sound incredulous, however, many cancers patients come to similar conclusions. How or Why? Many explain that this epiphany comes from becoming conscious to their mortality and recognizing the precious gift of life. Some patients also suggest that during their journey with cancer, the fear of death subsides; this in turn awakens them to new possibilities — a life with purpose, a life with more gratitude, intention, love, empowerment, and compassion. Patients become more present to the beauty of every single moment.

Sandra Booker is in the same camp of Cancer Warriors which has turned her cancer experience to fuel to achieve a life’s mission. In November of 2016, Sandra started the Jazz Musicians Against Cancer, an organization which assists fellow jazz artists living with and surviving cancer through music and art. This is Sandra’s Live Again Story:

“Cancer saved my life… That sounds like a very over-the-top statement but cancer came along and changed the trajectory of my life by making me choose the kind of woman I wanted to be and the kind of life I wanted to live. I have overcome lots of personal tragedies while feeling stuck in my own skin and then this incredible opportunity to rebuild my life and rediscover myself was handed to me. But I wanted to do more than just live for myself. It made me ask what would I be willing to do to change my life for the better, and how to do the same for others. I instantly knew it would involve music and the arts. Four days after my diagnosis of kidney cancer (papillary urothelial carcinoma), I founded the Jazz Musicians Against Cancer fund to provide no-cost live concerts for cancer patients (as well as ) their families and friends. The fund compensates the musicians and their travel and performance expenses. I started the MIM: Music IS Medicine 2017 tour to promote wellness through music and to advocate for universal healthcare. We have performances scheduled in southern California and as far away as Paris, France. This is my mission!”

Support and donations to Jazz Musicians Against Cancer Fund can be made to:



Live Again Project
Live Again Project

A space and community for those affected by cancer to share their stories, challenges, and breakthroughs.