“Don’t wait until someone is going to pass to make them proud."

Live Again Project
Live Again Project
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2017

Comedian Adam Grabowski shares his Live Again Story

Good friend of the Live Again Project, Comedian Adam Grabowski, shares a story of his grandmother. You’ve seen Adam on America’s Got Talent. He is the creator and host of the comedy show “Grab Bag,” and big mental advocate who created the #SAYITANYWAY campaign. This is his Live Again Story:

“I’ve lost 3 grandparents to cancer but my grandmother in particular, she was very proud of me no matter what I did. She’s the type of grandma where you can, at the age of 20, draw a picture and be like ‘Look grandma! I drew a bird!’ and she would be so proud and put it on the fridge. [haha] I lost her to stomach cancer. She was a smoker all of her life, so I’ve always advised against that. I remember when she was going trough chemotherapy that I’d be able to take her […to McDonald’s.] The only thing she could eat was Mc Donald’s shakes, which is probably the worst thing you could put in your body, but I just remember that we would have trips to McDonald’s like we used to do that all the time when I was a kid. I used to go with her to have coffee — I wouldn’t have coffee, she would. I would mix the cream and sugar in for her. But it wasn’t till she going through chemotherapy that we really sat down, and said “We used to do this all the time you know.” I’d get really nostalgic about everything. I was able to get more perspective about her and her life because I knew she was going to pass soon.

So this is what you can learn from my grandmother:

It was when I was first starting comedy and I had a poster from a college I performed at. There was an audience of 1500. She had the poster and she kept showing every single nurse that came to her room. “This is my grandson. This is my grandson!” She told some of them 2 or 3 times.

I wanted to make her proud. The point is… don’t wait until somebody’s going to pass to make them proud. Don’t wait until life is ending to find new prospective. She helped me understand that you need to go for things and experience stuff and be proud of people now. Tell your friends and family that you are proud of them often. It’s what I do and I do it with my guy friends, and it’s really weird, but just tell them you’re proud of them, you love them. Even if nothing is going wrong! [haha]”

Take a look at the following YouTube video to see you don’t need a fancy studio to submit your Live Again Story.



Live Again Project
Live Again Project

A space and community for those affected by cancer to share their stories, challenges, and breakthroughs.