“Live NOW”- The legacy of a breast cancer patient who passed in her thirties.

Live Again Project
Live Again Project
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017

“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer, you beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live.” — ESPN anchor, Stuart Scott.

We thank Amy Ballard for sharing a very intimate story of her friend Jenny who passed from breast cancer in her thirties who leaves behind a legacy of how to live. We thank Amy for sharing this story of Jenny as it serves as a reminder to approach life as a gift, and to be grateful and intentional with the very short time on this Earth we are all blessed to have. Thank you Amy for sharing this Live Again Story:

“Hi I’m Amy Ballard and I’m here today to share a story about my friend Jenny McHenry Zeller. Jenny was only in her thirties when she passed away last year (2016) from breast cancer. What really struck me about Jenny is that she had been battling stage 4 breast cancer since 2009 — so it was about 7 years. When I met her she already had the cancer, and I had no idea whatsoever. She was positive, full of life, keeping up with everyone, had a great sense of humor, you would just never know what she was dealing with or that she was even sick at all. She was a true inspiration to everyone around her and she was really all about living your life to the fullest. She actually met her husband when she already had the cancer, and they got married and they traveled the world together while she was undergoing her chemotherapy treatments and while she was super sick. But you would have never would have known that because she always was about getting the most out of life and always keeping a positive attitude.

I think if she was still around today, she would continue to inspire people to live their lives NOW, and to never take any moment for granted, and to be a fighter and to be strong and stay positive no matter what you are going through.

So thank you to the Live Again Project for highlighting these stories and helping us remember our loved ones and also inspiring all of us to just get out there live in the moment and never take a day for granted, and just do our lives now and don’t wait. So thank you.”



Live Again Project
Live Again Project

A space and community for those affected by cancer to share their stories, challenges, and breakthroughs.