Stop Complaining, Start Doing

Nikant Vohra
Live and Inspire
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2015

I have met and interacted with a lot of people from diverse backgrounds. A lot of them have the habit of blaming others for whatever bad happens in their lives.

  • My relationship cannot work because my wife is not willing to listen
  • I cannot go for higher studies because my parents want me to work
  • I cannot leave this job because my family wants me to live in this city.
  • I do not have time for my health or travel because my boss makes me work long hours
  • I do not have enough friends because people are mean towards me.

And the list of excuses goes on and on. I also had the same habit for quite a long time. Recently I read a book The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. He talks about the importance of taking full responsibility for your life. The only person who has full control over your life is you. Your decisions and responses to events shape how your life turns out to be.

Successful people don’t blame others for the things that happen in their lives. They believe in doing things instead of whining and complaining. They shape their lives according to what they want it to be.

I have been practicing meditation for quite some time now. In the first few lessons of meditation, it is taught that you should let go of any negative feelings or thoughts you have towards others. The thoughts of jealousy, hatred and contempt should be removed from your mind. That will reduce your stress levels and give you mental peace.

If you stop blaming others for the things that happen in your life and start focussing on stuff that matters, the negative feelings will not arise in your mind and you will be much happier. On the other hand, if you keep on complaining about the smallest of the things you will never achieve mental peace.

Let go of this complaining habit and build a habit of doing things. If you are having problem with you work hours, talk to your boss about it. If your relationship sucks, try to improve it or end it right now. Don’t neglect you health as it will come to bite you afterward. Start making things happen in your life. Yes, you will have to take some risks but I guarantee that results will be worth the risk.

