3 Top Tips For The Perfect Wedding

Arjun Kushwah
Live Better
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2015

There are a number of things to consider when planning your perfect wedding. You need to select a venue, hire staff and design your wedding dress; there is just so much to think about. Whether you are using a wedding planner or doing all of the planning alone, this guide will help you make your wedding a day to remember.

Should You Use A Wedding Planner?

The decision to choose a wedding planner or not is going to be heavily influenced by the budget allocation in most circumstances. But many people simply underestimate the time that is spent in planning a wedding, and choose to go without. If you can afford one, a wedding planner is sure to take a great deal of the stress off your shoulders and allow you to enjoy your wedding instead of dreading it!

Organising A Photographer

Your wedding is going to be a memorable day and something you want to look back on in years to come. For that reason it is really important to get a decent photographer- somebody with experience and a good track record. When choosing a photographer, make sure you take a look at their portfolio and decide for yourself if they are worth the investment. From my experience, getting a cheap photographer, or not getting one at all, is something that married couples regret in years to come.

The Guest List

When deciding on the guest list, it is worth asking yourself the question; what type of wedding do you plan to have? It this a small event with close members of your family or are you expecting to see everyone on your big day, from long lost relatives to friends of friends! When you have decided on this, start writing down names and start small. Write down close friends and relatives to begin with, and branch out, trying to accommodate everyone during the process. However, remember this is your day and if you feel that a certain individual is likely to ruin the day, make your opinion heard!


Originally published at newrichstrategies.com on November 12, 2012.

