4 Reasons Why Women Cheat

Arjun Kushwah
Live Better
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2015


Both men and women cheat for a variety of reasons — due to problems in their relationship, due to their need for intimacy, or because they have a high sex drive. Why women cheat differs from woman to woman. Some do it for love, some for sex, some need a boost in their self-esteem.

First off, let me tell you something, your woman is not a saint, she is capable of anger, revenge, boredom and irrationality. She has emotional needs from you, and when she doesn’t get these needs, there will be consequences. I am not saying this as a threat or in the form of an ultimatum; I am saying this basing from the “Cause- and- Effect- Law- of- the- Universe.” If you neglected, hurt, or treated your wife unfairly, there is chance that your wife cheated on you, or is cheating on you.

Even if women cannot top men on the cheating scale, still, it is a fact that a wife is capable of cheating on her husband. According to the latest survey, 14% of married women cheated on their husbands, and if you are one of those chauvinistic, cocky, cheapskate husbands, there is an 85% probability that your wife is one of those 14%.

Why women cheat depends on several factors. If you’re a wise man, you would take note of this, and internalize the reasons why women cheat on their husbands.

1. You welcomed infidelity in your marriage.

Don’t you think this is a sensible reason? You were the one who welcomed it in the first place. But seriously, the top reason why women cheat is because their husband’s cheated on them first. Call it revenge, call it getting even, call it whatever you want, your woman is not a saint. She can be as evil and manipulative as you can, so don’t provoke her.

2. Neglect and ingratitude. In case you forget, being a wife doesn’t only include being a “wife,” it includes being a housekeeper, a baby- sitter, a driver, a grocery shopper, a cook, an errand runner, and many others. Usually, your woman foresees this when she decided to be your wife, and she gladly do all those mundane tasks for you. All she requires in return is a little appreciation every now and then. Showing a little gratitude will prevent her from seeking attention somewhere else.

3. Bedroom factors. This includes unfulfilled sex to boredom. Just like you, your wife wants to experience that mind-blowing sex. And just like you, if she feels that there’s no connection in the bedroom anymore, she becomes vulnerable to outside temptations.

4. Uncared for. Every woman yearns to be pampered and be taken cared- of. If you missed being a good provider, better man-up or else she’ll look for someone man enough to take care of her.

Originally published at newrichstrategies.com on November 15, 2012.

