Finding Joy — Rising Above Yourself

Arjun Kushwah
Live Better
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2012

How are you feeling today? Average…below average…above average? It may seem a silly question but it is something that we all consider as we go along our daily life path. You know what I mean. You wonder if you are making a difference in the world and suspect that you are capable of so much more. Keep listening to your questions, because you are capable of much more. Once you realize this, you will discover that finding joy is as simple as looking at your potential.

We all do a number of things on a daily basis. Most of these tasks are routine and even feel rather mundane. Our daily lives require the completion of these tasks…they can’t be avoided such as paying bills, going to work, raising a family…etc. The problem is you want more. What about your dreams and fantasies of a better future?

There is within all of us a special task, skill, desire, knowledge, or dream. I can’t say what that may be for you, but you do. What is it? What is that one special thing you want or do or know? It doesn’t matter how fantastic it may seem to you. If it is in your mind then you are capable of achieving it. No, I’m not just spouting off here. The mind is capable of doing far more than we usually allow it to. Have we not been to the moon and sent probes out past our solar system? Have we not touched other worlds? Of course we have. These tasks may have seemed impossible at one time, but once they were in the mind and acted upon these dreams became realities and facts for future history books.

In fact that’s a good way to think of your special dream. It is a fact waiting to be written in a future history book…if you take action and make it real. I don’t care if you try and fail and fail and fail. Because I know that persistence will pay off and you will achieve your goal eventually. Think about that. One day children, future business owners, aspiring writers or actors, or anyone one else may open a book and see your name. Then they will say to themselves, that if this person (you) did it, then they can too.

By taking action on your dreams and learning to become the person it takes to achieve your one special dream, you will become a source of inspiration for others. That one thing in your mind and heart may lift another person out of their routines and help them achieve their own seemingly impossible task. The blessing you will bestow upon others will be immeasurable in value and the joy you will receive in achieving your task will be doubled.

So what is your dream? What is your thing? How bad do you want it? Right now act on it. Do whatever it takes to achieve it and you will eventually succeed. Rise above your daily chores and act upon your dreams. When you do this, finding joy will be simple because the answer was inside you all the time. It only took courage and persistence. You can do it.


Originally published at on October 17, 2012.

