About Me

Lynsey Wall: Mum, Coach & Mentor



I felt it was time to do a proper intro as I’ve been missing in action for a while.

I’m lynsey, I live in Glastonbury UK with my partner Neil, grown up sons Jake & Ethan & our 10yr old dog Freddy.

I love going for walks, being in the countryside & visiting the coast. I’ve always loved music (listening not playing — think Sonia from Eastenders 😉) & go to the festival whenever I can.

I currently work as a therapist, mentor & coach. I also assess / IQA for trainee counsellors & teaching assistants. Previously I trained as a teacher & worked as an adult tutor for several years.

I left teaching due to picking up ME/CFS following a SARs-like virus in 2011. Since then I have worked hard to establish a life & career that continues to fulfill my drive & ambition.

Whilst my body began to say “no way!” my mind was still that avid learner & confident communicator.

My work as a coach:

I help women to achieve their goals. I completely get how hard it can be to remain focused on your goals. Life gets in the way, distractions happen on the daily. You might be too exhausted to keep up with a pace you’ve set yourself — or you simply don’t believe you can do it.

How I help is through accountability — which is so much more & pretty different to what people may think that looks like. I am with my clients step by step. They also get to reach out to me when things are tough & I support them to move through it — although I do challenge when I need to..!

The mentoring aspect is very much about supporting with mindset, self-doubt & ensuring that not only are they 100% clear on their goals, but that they have a blueprint of exactly how to get there.

So many people who I’ve worked with don’t plan well. Or, they rely solely on motivation & willpower. Once that motivation dips for whatever reason — the self-sabotage & procrastination kicks in.

This is the part I love the most — when clients begin to actually see the end goal. they begin to believe in themselves & they are so motivated to get there. The confidence change is always a game changer & I love it!

If you would love to know more about what I do please reach out or take a look at my website

Looking forward to getting back to my writing — my one true love & reconnecting with the Medium gang 💙



Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals | www.quietlyconquer.com