Accepting Yourself Brings Change

How can we feel happy or fulfilled when we don’t accept who we are right now?


An image of a lady stood in front of trees looking to the sky with a tee-shirt that says “Love who you are”
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

What are your thoughts on this? Are you unhappy with who you are? Are you desperate to bring change so that you feel happier or more fulfilled?

As Carl Rogers once said

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers.

As annoying as this may feel — there’s a lot of truth in it… If we are constantly imagining & telling ourselves that ‘I’ll be happy when…’

…we become dissatisfied with who we are now. This just strengthens our discomfort for who we are, we forget to feel gratitude & we are so focused on our future happy self, that we forget to enjoy the now.

You are amazing, you are worthy & whatever your circumstances, you are valued.

Acceptance is not the same as quitting…

Desiring change is amazing— but remember to enjoy the now & appreciate & value who you are now as well — she / he’s the one who got you to this point

Do you accept yourself just as you are right now?

Let me know in the comments

Thanks for reading my story today :)


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Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals |