August Journal Prompts

How To Avoid Burnout


A journal, pencil, glasses & cup of tea on a desk with a green leaf next to it
Photo by Joyful on Unsplash

Last month I started out with daily prompts & was loving it, but then life pops up. to distract me & I just found it too much to post every day.

I’ve felt a little disconnected with writing on here so along with illness stopping me… I chose to rest for a bit longer & not really post any stories.

As someone who burnt out & developed chronic health issues as a result of becoming unwell & my body being so run down that it didn’t quite recover properly… I know when I’m on a bit of a downward spiral

Disengagement, excessive exhaustion, impatience, disinterest, feeling a bit overwhelmed more often than not, and not nourishing my body well enough are some of those signs (on top of picking up random bugs & generally feeling a bit meh!)

I did the right thing & I paused.

I’m still not 100% excited by life at the moment, but I do feel energised again (currently writing this whilst walking on my under-desk treadmill!)

This is why balance in your life is crucial in avoiding becoming totally stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted & potentially burnt out.

One of the first things I work with clients on is establishing exactly what their life looks like right now. Every little aspect including mindset, beliefs & behaviours. This helps form clarity & from there change can begin.

On my return to things I thought it would be nice to share a few journal prompts that you could use during August! I cannot commit to daily posts (owning it without shame 🙌🏻) so I am popping them in here & I may add a few more in a week or so.

August Journal Prompts:

What would you love to achieve in August? Ps: Your goals don’t necessarily need to be groundbreaking — maybe you want to take more time for yourself. You might want to commit to exercise 3x per week etc.

What would you say are your main qualities? How do you honour these in your day-to-day life?

If you felt fearless, what would you aim for? Really think BIG here!!

How do you feel about yourself when you make a mistake? Are you harsh with yourself? Do you blame & shame yourself? Are you able to see it for what it is or does it trigger negative thoughts?

Do you find it difficult or easy to say “no” to people? Why?

Are there parts of you / your personality that you keep hidden from others? Why is that?

What are you most proud about yourself? Why does this make you feel proud?

How comfortable are you when you receive feedback that says a little more is needed? Can you accept it or does it feel like a kick to the teeth? How does it make you feel?

If you had an entire day for you — what would you choose to do? Would you visit a country? Go to a forest? Visit family? Take time out? Read a book?

What is the difference between rest & recharge & why do you think it’s important in maintaining a healthy life?

What can I do to make my day a little less stressful? Can you prioritise things? Can you push things back for another day? Can you plan in official rest & recharge breaks?

Can you find 5 things that you are grateful for? Dig a little deeper — why are you grateful for these in particular? How do they enhance your life? How do they motivate you or bring you joy?

Without naming your achievements or your work — what makes you who you are? What makes you amazing? What would friends say about you?

I hope you will find these useful for reflection during August, as always please feel free to share with me, I love hearing from you 💚

Lynsey x

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Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals |