How I Took A Medium Break And Still Grew My Audience

Don’t be afraid to pause


Photo Taken By Lynsey Wall @ Glastonbury Festival 2022

I took a Medium break for a little over a week as I prepared for & went to Glastonbury Festival.

As I am local to the festival, I’ve attended on & off since I was a teen. Back then we used to hop onto the site on the back of a friend's Quad bike, or with a free wristband that would be shared around until we all gained entry.

This was before the introduction of the mega-fences & a huge increase in security…

Impact on my Medium Growth?

But I was worried. I was worried that the traction I had built with Medium would stop & my algorithms would mess up. I had started the month taking part in a 30 day writing challenge that was so much fun but festival prep & growing my business halted that — I loved being involved with it though & will hopefully get another chance to join another soon.

I noticed a drop in engagement once I stopped the challenge, but nothing too drastic but my fears around this longer break left me unsure what to do. I was going to bank some articles & schedule them — but with 1001 things running through my mind of what needed to get done outside of Medium I chose to just stop. Remove any pressure I had put on myself, relax & enjoy the show.

And guess what?!

As the title suggests — I actually grew! I have now passed 300 followers, I have had a tonne of engagement & my earnings are in double digits (I’ll do a separate article on that at some point)

I was totally shocked as I had feared dropping into the abyss, but the opposite happened

What do I think helped?

My engagement with others. I LOVE reading the work of others. I follow lots of people now so it’s hard to keep up with everyone, but I take time each day to read. I do this congruently — it’s not a chore, it’s something I want to do & enjoy doing. Yes I understand that engagement is a strategy to grow, but it is more than that to me.

As I engage with others, the connections stay alive.

So if you are planning on taking a break & you simply don't have enough time to pre-write articles, try not to worry. It doesn’t always mean that your visibility will disappear.

To those who continue to support me & engage with my work — THANK YOU so much! I truly appreciate every single one of your claps & responses.

An image of a bunch of red tulips with a thank you card st on top of a red envelope with the words “Thank you” written on it
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Normal service will be resumed either later or tomorrow morning (I’m in the UK if my timings don’t make sense to you!) & I will get back to writing about what I love — raising awareness of mental health & supporting people through what I share.

Now to unpack the caravan (I cannot cope with being in a tent at the festival & am lucky enough to be able to take a van onto site — I’m far too old & have far too many sore joints to camp in a tent 🤣)

Remember: It’s okay to take a break

Lynsey x

PS. Don’t forget to follow: Live Contently 💚

More by me:



Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals |