July Journal Prompts

July 5th New Goal 1st Step


Grey background with July Journal Prompts as the heading & a white paint stroke in the middle with the words “Think about a goal that you have & identify one thing you can do to move towards that”
Daily Journal Prompt by Lynsey Wall

For the month of July I’m providing you with a daily mindset & wellbeing prompt.

You can choose to just take a bit of time to think about it or write your thoughts down.

If you would like to share in the comments then you are very welcome to!

Looking forward to kicking off July in a positive & encouraging way 💚

Today’s Prompt:

“Think about a goal that you have & identify one thing you can do to move towards that”

Extended Writing:

💚 How will you feel when you hit this goal?
💚 What will be different?
💚 What’s the next step you can take?
💚 What is you ‘why’? Your motivation for achieving this goal?

I hope you have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for taking the time to read.

Lynsey x

If you would like to write for Live Contently, Please see the article below for more details 💚

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Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals | www.quietlyconquer.com