The Comeback

Finding my way back through the fog. Life with Chronic Illness


An image of a shadowy person in a wood with low visibility due to fog / mist. Trees either side of them & they’re holding a camera
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

Firstly I want to acknowledge my thanks to those of you who continued to keep in touch & keep following me despite being away for months now. I appreciate you.

Life with chronic illness is an inconsistent rollercoaster at times & I simply ran out of steam with my hobbies / life outside of work. I went back to survive & sadly stopped thriving for a while.

It can be a tough ride to be on at times, but I’ve been able to keep relatively upbeat — it just meant that things I did for pleasure — like writing & engaging on Medium took a back seat & finally left the bus completely!

I was added to a read for read club by the lovely Indigo & this brought me back to Medium today & for the 1st time in months I thought — I feel like writing!

You know when you’re that exhausted that you completely lose any form of creativity / expression? That’s been me.

My job is pretty intense & requires lots of communicating followed by a tonne of self-care — especially when I’m not well, so I prioritised those I work with. This helps me maintain a level of positivity when my energy levels dip so low.

For me, one of the hardest things to deal with when my health isn’t playing ball is the feeling I am not able.

Being able to manage some work really helps me maintain some of my identity — which I can become a little detached from when not well. It’s not so much about the money, I’m grateful that I have a partner who is able to take that stress away with our business. But, I need to continue to work a little for me. It helps me to maintain the hope & determination that drives me when my health impacts my

I wanted to write from the heart today, to apologise to those who I’ve not engaged with for such a long while, and to say to those who experience similar difficulties to me — it’s okay to stop. It’s ok to prioritise you.

If you need to step back from something — even if you love it — it doesn’t have to mean it’s permanent & you can go back to it once you’re able to.

I’m hopeful I’m ‘back-back’ now & so ready to catch up with what everyone’s been writing about!

Thanks for reading — I would love to hear how you manage those times when you simply have to stop doing things to be able to rest & recover 💚


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Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals |