Time For A Change

Why I’m starting from scratch on Medium


Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Hey hey!

When I first started on Medium I was SO excited! It kind of took over my life. I loved experiencing the momentum of growing a community & people liking & commenting on my articles – who’d have thunk it eh?!

But I sort of burned myself out. Managing ME/CFS & trying to recover from Covid whilst growing my new business- it was just too much.

I stepped away & never found my rhythm again.

Recently I chose to stop the option of being paid for articles & it felt GOOD!!

Today I decided to close this account & start afresh – with no intention of rejoining the partnership programme.

I want to go back to enjoying writing – when I want to – without feeling the pressure to keep the momentum to ensure my followers continued to grow.

So I will be closing this account soon. I’ll transfer some of my articles to my website blog & go back to enjoying doing what I originally came here to do – practice my writing skills 🙌

Hopefully I’ll find some of you as I start over – I’ll make a note of my fave & most inspiring writers in here & follow again.

I feel excited again – that bubble of anticipation mixed with “I wonder how this will feel!”

For those who supported me so much THANK YOU! Your kindness, support & encouragement meant more than you’ll ever know 🩶

Lynsey xx



Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals | www.quietlyconquer.com