Write For Live Contently

A Brand New Mental Health Publication

A close up image of seedlings newly sprouting. 2 in-focus baby plants with 3 leaves wiht others in the background faded out
Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash


As an avid writer about life, mental health, psychology & wellbeing, I set up Live Contently as a publication when I first began writing properly on Medium.

I am still a relative newbie here, but I really wanted to create my own space as well so that I could grow & develop both my writing & editing skills & increase awareness around topics that I’m passionate about.

Whilst this is a very new publication with only a few followers, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce it officially & also to welcome others if they would like to contribute to it as well.

As it is in its seedling stage I don't have too many submission rules at the moment, however, please do use these as the current rules:

Please ensure that there is a Title, Subheading & Picture in the same format as this article.

Please submit articles in Draft form

Please use Live Contently as one of the tags (If you mention it in the SEO then great, but not essential 💚)

Please use spellcheck / Grammarly before submitting

Extended Call To Actions / Mass Tagging is not permitted. It is great to recognise others so please do feel free to include others where relevant. Keep Call to Actions brief at the bottom of your article — they shouldn’t make up the majority of your article.

No plagiarism — Please be respectful of fellow writers who put their love, passion & hard work into their writing

Length: Any length acceptable as long as it is relevant to the topics listed.

Live Contently Topics:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Healing
  • Life Stories
  • Self-Growth / Self-Improvement
  • Self-Love
  • Confidence
  • Balanced Life
  • Mindset
  • Life Hacks

I am totally open to suggestions & am keen to grow a wonderful, supportive community here like I have been fortunate enough to experience in some of the other amazing publications here on Medium.

I am transparent in my newness to writing on Medium but thought it would be an amazing way to grow with others who also share a love of writing. I have written regularly online since around 2018 when I qualified as a counsellor through my blog & social media, so I am very excited to begin this new adventure!

If you have any questions or would like to request to write alongside me for Live Contently, then leave a comment on this article 💚


PS. Don’t forget to follow: Live Contently 💚

About me: I'm Lynsey, a counsellor, coach, mentor & teacher. I support women with burnout, stress & anxiety. For more information on working with me or accessing my online courses,take a look hereIf you'd like to leave me a tip, you can buy me a coffee or join Medium as a writer here Keep up to date when I publish an article 📝



Lynsey Wall
Quietly Conquer: Introverts & Low Energy Entrepreneurs

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals | www.quietlyconquer.com