The Symptoms of the Hurting

Phil Beck
Live for Kesho
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2018

Now that you know what verbal abuse is you get some what an idea of the pain. Now it’s time to learn the symptoms of the pain with examples of what causes the symptoms.

Verbal Abuse Signs

Do they…

  • Make derogatory comments about a group you belong to (gender, career, religion, etc.)? This comment might end with “I mean them, not you.”
  • Make fun of or insult your ideas, behaviors, or beliefs?
  • Make negative comments about people, places or things that you love?
  • Say things that are almost true about you, but leave you wanting to defend yourself?
  • Ask you questions about something that just happened and reply to your answers, “Do you care to think about that and answer the question again?” or just sit there, staring at you, in a way that lets you know your answer wasn’t “right”?
  • Engage you in long conversations about things on which you disagree until you reach the point of wanting to say, “Okay. Whatever. You’re right!” Or insist that you repeat what they said and then, later, claim, “You agreed with me (then)!”
  • Somehow manage to physically back you into a corner or somewhere you cannot easily escape during intense conversations?

Verbal Abuse Symptoms

Do you feel…

  • Nervous when approaching them with certain topics?
  • Insulted because of their use of foul language, or does their use of foul language change the meaning of otherwise normal requests?
  • A need to “tell on yourself” about innocent events in case the person hears about it later?
  • Misunderstood for the most part in your relationship?

Do you doubt…

  • Your sanity, intelligence, or communication skills because of difficulties relating to them?
  • Your memories when it comes to recalling conversations or events with the person because their take on it is so different from your own?

These questions relating to verbal abuse signs and verbal abuse symptoms describe how verbal abuse sneaks inside the framework of your relationship and poisons your thoughts with confusion and doubt.

I don’t think all the Do they… questions are there but it gives you an idea of what an verbal abuser could do. I know from my experience the questions listed not one of them I could say check to.

As for the symptoms they seem to hit right on what a person can feel. The point to the example and symptoms is to understand yourself or a person who has been through it. Just trying to explain to a person what you went through is very difficult and hard for a person to grasp which makes the victim feel more alone.

Feeling alone can be worse for a victim. They could end up being suicidal (check), depressed (check), angry (check) and alone (check). All this I felt for a time. Nobody seem to ever understand me which caused me to get irritated sometimes just trying to explain.

You now know about verbal abuse and the examples and symptoms. You can now better understand yourself or a person you know. Not only that but a person who has been victimized can know they are not alone for I have experienced: gone through being suicidal, depressed, angry and alone, then I overcame it. My blogs will hopefully motivate you to live for a better tomorrow just like me. I may not have riches (I work as a security guard) but I have my wife (my angel who saved me) and my 2 infant boys, this makes me blessed and rich in love. Riches will come soon but I’m happy being with my family especially my angel. I shall never be alone again.

-Live for Kesho

