About Us

Alan Leizerman
3 min readJul 11, 2017


We are farmers in Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom and we see the huge global groundswell of interest in the provenance of food.

We see the opportunity to drive change by encouraging the consumer to ask questions of where their food is from and refrain from eating food with an anonymous origin.

The Movement is driven by Matthew Rymer who is leading Happerley, a business that is now certifying and publishing supply chains across the UK food industry and will be applying passporting technology to empower the consumer to follow the journey of their food.

To live Happerley means only eating food or drinking liquids in which you know their origins. It enables you to appreciate and enjoy food like never before, valuing and appreciating every ingredient’s journey to your plate. It ensures you eat and drink less but better, enabling you the freedom to consume with a conscience.

By challenging every supplier to #namethefarm you will help drive change for a more transparent and traceable food industry. This in turn will drive more sustainable food production, yielding better returns for struggling farmers and growers across the world who have become anonymous providers in the food chain.

Only when you start to living by this creed will you realise how very little we are told and know about what we feed our bodies. But the rewards are tremendous — you will savour food and drink like never before. You will truly appreciate its provenance — its story — because you will be seeking it out. It need not be expensive — it is really a case of less being more.

And the health benefits will be incredible. No impurities, no anonymous grunge, no convenience snacks on the go packed with strange additives and enhancers. Whether you are a carnivore; a vegetarian; a vegan; passionate about welfare; care about food miles and sustainability; or couldn’t care less but simply want to eat better, only by Living Happerley can you follow your desires with confidence.

You can eat and drink what you like! You are abiding by one simple rule — not knowing where your food is from means not eating it.

Try It Out

Follow our founder on his journey and let him know you are joining the movement — and we will arrange for you to share your experiences here!

Together we can change the food industry!

Follow Our Founder, Matt Rymer

Matt Rymer is a intensely busy farmer, activist, advocate, business owner, and tech wizard, as well as the principal of a blossoming food movement living on a tenth-generation cattle farm in Gloucestershire.

As the CEO of Happerley, a company that is networking and uncovering the supply chains of the UK’s food systems, it is fair to say that Matthew Rymer is a busy man.

For someone immersed in so many projects, constantly on-the-go and keen to stay healthy, how can he manage the challenge of including provenance in his diet?

Challenge acceped! Rymer’s pledge:

That he will not purchase or consume any food or drink that cannot be traced back to its original source, essentially “walking the walk” of Happerley’s business creed and doing it in full view of the public in this forum.

He must find a way to unveil the origin of food products, or go hungry.

