Do you want to live on the cutting edge?

If we want to get ahead, achieve or be successful we need an edge. Everyone is looking for their UVP, niche or point of difference these days. So where do we find it? If you want the edge in life — on anything — go to God.

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
2 min readJan 12, 2016


Proverbs is the book of wisdom literature in the Bible. It’s the book where we learn character, emotional intelligence and how to live on the cutting edge. And it all starts with Proverbs 1:7.

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning
The beginning is fear. The start of understanding life and the ability to live it remarkably is a deep awe and respect for God. Acknowledging God, not ourselves, as the source of all creation and knowledge is the starting point of ‘understanding’ what He’s made. (Imagine the customer thinking they know more about the product than the inventor?)

This knowledge is not just the facts. It’s the ability to understand them and interpret them accordingly. It’s having discernment or the skill to apply what you know. It’s the how to aspect. Knowing how to relate to people, how to think from God’s perspective and bridge the gap is wisdom! If we want an edge we need to have this wisdom.

fools despise wisdom and instruction.
This is the antithesis. Fools hate wisdom. Why? A fool puts himself at the centre and presupposes that he already has the edge. Therefore he does not need instruction from others or the Lord. This is the deceit if knowledge. When we know something we think we know it all! Again, this is why staying humble before the Lord and keeping our hearts respectfully teachable safe-guards us from thinking we’ve arrived and therefore sets us up for learning more.

The fear of the Lord IS the beginning of a life lived in continual humility and learning. It’s living if the cutting edge of learning what is new!

1. Am I managing to maintain a humble reverence for the Lord?
2. In what area of my life do I think I’m an expert? How can I avoid becoming foolish?

