Forget your bow and sword

How to live by faith not strength

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017


Psalm 44:3 and 6

It was not by their sword that they won the land,
nor did their arm bring them victory;
it was your right hand, your arm,
and the light of your face, for you loved them.

I put no trust in my bow,
my sword does not bring me victory;

Again, the deep reminder that we live by faith and move and breathe by grace. My sword and strength is blunted and unreliable not matter how much I sharpen it. It’s like I don’t have the technology that God does. My efforts cost me my strength but still amount to less than what God does with and through me.

It’s the great relational theme of scripture: trust God. Trust IN God and trust ON God. And enjoy the daily strengthening grace that comes from his right hand. Again, it’s a surrendering of will from one who thinks he knows to the one who does know!

More thoughts
The psalmist says a strange thing in verse 6: my sword does not bring me victory. It’s a paradox? In battle he sword does win the fight?

Well whose sword does? It IS Davids literal sword but it is his attitude in wielding it!

The bow and the sword (abilities) are the weapons or tools which do the job. In the modern sense they are position, power, finance, professional skill sets and linked in profiles. But, they are not THE things to base trust on. We place trust in the Father who made the bow And the sword. The one who put us in positions of authority and gave us skill sets!


  • Is my heart back in the place of active trust?
  • am I enjoying the journey of just trusting God and enjoying the benefits?
  • am I playing my role in my life and letting the Lord play his?
  • what areas do I need to renegotiate a trust attitude?

