How long do I have to endure this?

If Psalm 13 had a name, I think “How long?” would be appropriate. There are times in our lives when we feel God is not listening, when a situation or difficulty seems to never go away. So what’s the answer?

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
2 min readJan 25, 2016


Psalm 13:5–6
But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.

I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me.

This is the question that David was asking. He felt as if God had forgotten him and had hidden his face from him. He was wrestling with his thoughts and living with sorrow in his heart. In fact he felt that “everything” was too much for him to the point where his enemies were wearing him down. So what’s the answer?

But I trust in your unfailing love
BUT! This is the answer. To interrupt our feelings with but. David chose to trust in God’s never failing love. Through all the turmoil, the presence of God remained available. And David, like you and I get to, chose to trust in this source of inspiration. This is such a powerful spiritual skill we all need to master. To go deep and switch on the faith switch! What this does is to release our ability to sense that unfailing stream of God’s presence.

My heart rejoices in your salvation
David chooses to rejoice in the fundamentals. When he cannot rejoice in his circumstance, he rejoices in the only thing he can: eternity! For the Christian this never changes! If you’re a son or daughter of the King, then you can always rejoice in Jesus gift of eternal life to come. This is very powerful.

for he has been good to me
The Psalm ends with this: “he has been good to me”. David’s rejoicing in what is sure (eternity) reminds him of the good things the Lord has done for him. Doing this changes our inner perspective and gives us strength and joy for the day!

1. Have you ever been in a season of “how long”?
2. Have you mastered the spiritual skill of turning on the “but I trust” switch?
3. If all else fails, do you rejoice in your salvation?

Jesus, thank you that you are constant even in my context. Thank you that no matter what I feel, you have given me the power of the “but I trust” switch. I want to thank you for the greatest gift that can never be taken away — my eternal salvation and that nothing else really matters!

