How to live for today, not just the weekend

I don’t know about you but I’ve spent a lot of time in my life “living for the weekend”. Having said this, I know I’m not alone. But why is this a problem?

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
2 min readMay 6, 2016


I don’t know about you but I’ve spent a lot of time in my life “living for the weekend”. Having said this, I know I’m not alone. But why is this a problem?

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad today!

From the beginning of time our life has been divided into two parts: the week and the weekend. Initially the weekend was just one day, the Sabbath or Saturday. The purpose of the weekend is to have a break from ‘work’. It was a rest day to recreate and focus time on family and in God. Having said this, the working week in God’s eyes was good too. In fact God values purpose and production enough to give us six days to enjoy it.

These days the weekend is two days. And those two days for many of us are the goal of the week. It’s common to wake up on Monday and start dreaming of Friday night! But this means we’re living for the weekend. At my workplace, it’s common in the staffroom, to hear colleagues encourage each other: “Just two more weeks to go before holidays!”.

Having said this, living for the weekend can certainly rob us of the fulfilment we can experience from living for today. Think of it this way: if we are living in anticipation for Friday night to start we wish away today including that which God has in store for us today.

Living today while wishing it to be another day adds up. Remember, our thoughts in the present can be counted in seconds which in turn, add up to minutes. Minutes quickly become hours and hours days, weeks and years! And as you know, years become decades which become our lives.

So how do we live enjoying today while still looking forward to the weekend?

  1. Realise that work and rest are both part of God’s gift in life for us.
  2. Decide not to rest away your work or work away your rest. In other words enjoy your week and enjoy your weekend.
  3. Include enjoyable things to look forward to everyday.
  4. Remember that “this is the day the Lord has made — rejoice and be glad TODAY!”

