What Jesus means to me

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2015

Hebrews 1:1–3a

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word

These are the beginning lines of the book of Hebrews and quite possibly the most beautiful verses written about Jesus. They give us not only the right theology, but a refreshing reminder of who Jesus our saviour is.

God has always been trying to catch our attention! He’s spoken through prophets and people and in many other ways through history… But now, he’s sent His best: His Son, Jesus. He is the one who the Father spoke directly through: He’s God’s final word. There can no longer be any confusion: in Jesus we get the words, the tone and the body language of the Father himself — all in one amazing person.

More than this, these verses remind me of four other amazing things about my hero:

  1. He is heir of all things
  2. He made the universe
  3. He is he exact representation of God’s being
  4. He sustains all things when he speaks

heir of all things
Jesus is an heir but more significantly he is the heir. This means he inherits (or owns) everything the Father has and is. This means that whatever need, He already has and knows. And I get to trust that he will amply supply everything I need for life at the perfect time.

he made the universe
This verse reveals that Jesus is creator and that He in fact is the voice of God in Genesis 1:3

And God said, “Let there be light…”

When Jesus speaks nothing becomes something. This means when he speaks to me what’s lacking in my life will be amply supplied.

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being
For me, this is the most amazing of the four. Jesus is the exact representation of God’s being. Exact representation comes from the Greek term xaraktḗr from which we get the English word character. A character was originally a tool used for engraving and then a die or stamp. Jesus not only represents God (as a stamp does) but reflects his personality perfectly. Jesus is God’s stamp on reality. This means that when I’ve been with, heard the words of or seen Jesus — I’ve experienced the stamp of God on my life.

Jesus is also radiant. To radiate means to shine through anything. Jesus is the one who shines God’s glory (His pure goodness) into and through everything that exists. For me, this means hope.

sustaining all things by his powerful word
Jesus words are not only extremely powerful but they sustain life. In fact, they sustain everything. This means they sustain me!
5481 xaraktḗr — properly, an engraving; (figuratively) an exact impression (likeness) which also reflects inner character.

[5481 /xaraktḗr was originally a tool (used for engraving) and then came to mean “a die” (“mould”). Finally it stood for a stamp or impress used on a coin or seal (see H, 368). In each case, the stamp conveyed the reality behind the image.]

541 apaúgasma (from 575 /apó, “from” which intensifies 826 /augázō, “shine,” derived from augē/”dawn”) — properly, someone who literally “shines,” (is radiant). 541 (apaúgasma) is only used in Heb 1:3 where it refers to Christ’s eternal radiance — supremely reflecting the effulgent glory of the Godhead. His eternal light breaks through all the darkness that keeps someone in spiritual ignorance (bondage), i.e. every resistance exerted by sin.

