Who is the Lord to you?

Recently I’ve been meeting lots of new people. When you shake hands or kiss the cheek for the first time we learn the name and catch a brief sense of ‘who’ that person really is. But it’s not until you have relational experience together that you get know who someone really is! This morning’s verse is David’s answer to this question, “Who is the Lord to you?”

Andrew Bergh
Live Inspired
2 min readFeb 1, 2016


Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

The Lord is my rock
David referred to the Lord as his rock. Houses are built on ‘rocks’ or foundations to keep them from caving in. David’s fortified city, Jerusalem, is built on a rock. I believe David was saying that God was the very foundation of his life. Take God out of the equation and everything is unsteady and will cave in. A man who is convinced of this has a deeply honest evaluation of his life and a humility that comes from experience. For me this is true: when I’ve built on my own ideas or wisdom, the results have been devastating. But God is my rock!

The Lord is my fortress
David knew that God could defend him but he had personally experienced God actually defending him. He spent at least 12 years running from Saul in the wilderness of Israel. In those dark and dangerous times out in the open, David had no protection from the elements and his enemies other than prayer. And God answered… keeping him alive. David knew God as his fortress! I relate somewhat to this because there have been times in my life where the only place of safety and healing is the Father.

The Lord is my deliverer
David not only knew the Lord as one who protected his interests and livelihood, but one who delivered him from evil. When David was in trouble he would call out to God and God on many occasions rescued him from physical and spiritual danger. And even when David fell (with Bathsheba) God still delivered him. David knew God as his ‘deliverer’.

These are the traits of Jesus: He is our foundation (cornerstone), our fortress and deliverer (saviour).


  1. If you took the Lord out of your life, what would still stand?
  2. How has Jesus protected your physical and spiritual life?
  3. Who is the Lord to you?


Lord thank you for being my rock — for providing an eternally sound foundation for my life. Thank you for a consistent worldview with no holes in it. Thank you that when I build with Your words that I know my life will be steadfast no matter what comes my way. Thank You for being a safe place of comfort to me when under attack and for delivering me from evil and my enemies.

