8 Things You Wish You Could Still Do After College

Read Unwritten
Live Life Unwritten
4 min readApr 11, 2016

Let’s face it, college was a blast. You had four years of ultimate freedom with limited responsibility. We will forever hear how “college is the best time of your life”. I always thought this was an overrated and overused saying. As I have been out of college for almost two years now, I finally realize how amazing that time truly was, and how deeply I miss it.

Knowing what I know now, here are 8 things you will 1000% miss once you graduate.

  1. Not getting ready

Oh, how I miss those days! Every day I rocked the no makeup, hair in a bun, and yoga pants look. I loved it! I only needed to wake up a couple of minutes before class and run out the door. Once you start working, you actually have to get up early and get ready. Doing your hair, makeup, and picking out cute clothes every day is work!

  1. Sleep

I miss those 9–10 hours of sleep a night. I actually looked refreshed during the day. Once you start adulting, you can plan on getting around 6–7 hours a night and always being tired. Once you get home from work you have to clean the house, workout, go to the grocery store, and by the time that’s done it’s already 11 PM. You don’t really have time for sleep.

  1. Drinking during the week

My favorite nights in college were Wednesdays. My favorite bar would have $2 wells. I would end up dancing, taking shots, and be back at my place at 2 AM. I would wake up feeling refreshed because I didn’t have to get out of bed until noon the next day. If I did that now, I would look tired and dead for work the next morning, and would probably wake up still drunk.

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  1. Not paying bills

I miss those days of just calling my parents and telling them the rent was due. It was nice when they would write a check for college. Now, I have a reminder on my phone almost every day for a certain bill that is due. Let’s not even go into budgeting.

  1. Spending money

College life is pretty cheap compared to adult life. You don’t need to spend money because you’re not really doing extravagant things. Drinks are cheap, food is cheap, and you’re usually on campus a lot. So when you feel the need to buy a Starbucks or go shopping, you have the money since you haven’t spent it on anything else. Now, I have to do a budget months ahead of time if I want a new article of clothing.

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  1. Being Close to friends

In college you were no more than 10 mins from your friends. You lived with them, or they were in your sorority. You saw them on a weekly, if not daily basis. Movie nights, going out, they were all there. Once you graduate everyone moves and you might only get to see your best friends a couple of times a year.

7. Eating anything you want and still staying skinny

In college you have the time to work out, you have intramurals, and you have a campus. You are usually walking or biking everywhere. Just being in college you are burning calories throughout the day. Once you have an office job, you’re going to be at your desk for the majority of the time answering emails. You will probably drive to work as well. Your activity level goes down significantly. Freshman 15, have you heard of the cubicle 20? Enjoy that little body while you can.

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  1. Walking everywhere

College campuses are amazing. You have everything at your fingertips if the most distant point of campus is few miles away. You can walk anywhere, to class, to the doctors, to get food. You don’t really need a car unless you are going home, or to a certain event. Everything is accessible. You never had to have a designated driver because everyone just walked home. If you don’t live in the heart of a major city. You’re going to have to drive. That usually means paying for parking downtown, and when you go out you’ll need a DD or pay for an uber. Depending on where you are can be super pricey!

To all my college alums, RIP to those unforgettable college times. Hopefully, you can still pretend you are in college during the weekends. If you still are in college, savor it. It will soon be gone and you’ll regret if you didn’t take advantage of the simplicity that comes with it.

Featured Image via Krissy Saleh

