Fresh To Death: 10 Lessons You Only Learn From Your Freshman Roomie

Read Unwritten
Live Life Unwritten
3 min readMar 30, 2016

I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you were meant to bump into that cute guy between classes, maybe I was supposed to make awkward eye contact with my old lab partner (why oh why). Whatever the reason may be, we always find out in the end. Going away for school and moving into the dorms are possibly one of the best things to happen to me. And I didn’t just get one roommate, I was lucky enough to get two. They’ve been my go-to’s, and the people who make our tiny rooms feel like home. I can’t imagine late nights and bumps-in-the-road without them and I’ve been lucky enough to have them teach me a few things along the way.

  1. There’s never a wrong time to “Shake It Off”

Nothing hypes you up more than blasting the High School Musical dance-a-long at 12 AM.

  1. Don’t keep it bottled up

Letting your emotions stew like Campbell Soup makes for some chunky sailing. Let it out.

  1. Shower parties are the best parties

You’re taking a shower? Me too!

  1. Everyone has a past

We’re not the same people we were before. We’ve learned from our mistakes and we’re a million times better for it.

  1. Less is more

I brought WAY too many things to college.

  1. There’s always tomorrow

No matter how determined you are, sometimes sleep can be a better choice than trying to get everything done in one night.

  1. You can never have too much vitamin C

Especially when it’s flu AND finals season.

  1. Never say no to hash browns

Everyone loves hash browns.

  1. Do what you love, love what you do

Following your dreams is completely reasonable.

  1. If you never try, you never know

I’m sorry for making you eat a cheeseburger dipped in hot chocolate.

Through thick and thin, it’s safe to say that we’ve been through it all. We’ve shared secrets, pulled all-nighters, and picked apart our guy troubles. No one quite understands me like you guys do. I love you guys more than McDonald’s soft-serve and I can only hope I’ve taught you nearly as much as you’ve taught me.

Featured Image via arianagrandestudio.

