Guys Share What They Really Think When You Wear Leggings

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Live Life Unwritten
2 min readJan 27, 2016

Leggings started out as a way to wear skirts and dresses in the colder months (and a way to wear them to schools with ridiculous dress codes.) But for the past few years, it has become fashionably acceptable for them to double as pants themselves.

Lots of people have called into question the classiness of the fashion trend. But, for the most part, they can be pulled off nicely, as long as they’re paired with a longer shirt or sweater. The majority of the debates and comments have always come from ladies themselves, but have you ever wondered how guys feel about this fad?

My husband was picking me up from the subway station recently and saw a girl wearing leggings, he immediately commented that he can’t imagine wearing those in this weather without freezing. I explained to him that there are different kinds of leggings made with different material and some are surprisingly warm. I couldn’t help but wonder if all guys are truly this unaware about how leggings work. So, I decided to survey men about their thoughts when they see girls wearing leggings to find out!

Overall, guys aren’t loving the leggings. While many guys actually do believe girls look great in them (mostly because they show off their bum), the majority of guys are either concerned about your body temperature in winter or feel they aren’t suitable as pants.

When asked what they think when they see a girl wearing leggings, here’s what a few guys had to say:

About wearing leggings in the cold:

“I wonder how they can wear them without freezing! And I’m curious as to how it even became popular.”

“Can’t be warm in the winter.”

Those don’t even look like pants. Are those pants?

About showing off their butt in leggings:

“If they’ve got the body to rock it, then nice.”

“Wow. That’s a nice bum.”

It might be obvious that I stare, but I can’t stop.

Leggings as a fashion choice:

“I don’t mind them, but not everyday. I like to see girls in dresses, skirts, jumpers, etc, too. I’m pretty fashion forward so a girl who switches up her style will catch my eye versus leggings everyday.”

“Maybe they’re going to the gym?”

“Over-used as pants.”

So what’s the verdict? It seems men generally don’t exactly “get” the trend here. If looking good for your boyfriend is a priority, you may want to leave the leggings on the rack. But remember ladies, it’s your body and you can choose what goes on it. Leggings are easy, comfortable clothes to wear in your day-to-day life. Whatever you do and however you dress when you do it, make sure it makes you happy. Everyone’s opinion is valid but when it comes to you, your opinion should be number one.

Featured Image via Lululemon.

