Let It Stop: 9 Struggles You Face Trekking Through The Snow

Read Unwritten
Live Life Unwritten
4 min readJan 21, 2016

I’m New York City born and Canada bred — I’m used to the cold. In fact, I’m that stereotypical Canadian who’s not wearing a coat when it reaches 10 degrees Celsius because it’s “so warm out”. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will probably always live on the East Coast, and have accepted that snow will probably always be a part of my life. With that being said, it does not mean that I have gotten any better dealing with the snow now compared to when I was a kid.

Try as you might, there are some days where you can’t avoid going out in the snow. Below are the 9 daily struggles every individual faces when venturing out in this weather:

1. “Cancel today, please.”

The walk to the car/bus stop is already a struggle in itself. Your face is cold, your hair is frozen, and the wind is making your eyes water. Everything hurts, your make-up is ruined, and your boots have been ruined by the snow. All you’re thinking is why is today happening? Can the day just be cancelled?

2. “WHY?”

Why am I even out in the snow?” It’s a hazard — everything is slippery. You’re bound to either fall down on the sidewalks or struggle to brake on the road. Why did you decide to leave your house, and go out in this weather? Why is this even necessary? These are all the questions that one asks themselves the minute they step outside.

3.Is it worth it?”

Is class really worth risking your life? Cuddling up in a warm blanket watching Netflix seems like a better option than any of the plans you’ve decided to make. I mean, I’m really just concerned for your health and safety. Your present self is probably currently upset that your past self agreed to plans during this cold weather.

4. “Can I turn around?”

Like, you’ve only gone down one block…it’s not too late to turn back, right? You’re basically endangering yourself, everyone else out there. You might as well turn around and go home.


This is a constant thought when you’re walking or driving on ice. You already hate drivers/other pedestrians during the regular weather but during the snow…your hatred increases. You could possibly be at fault for the near accidents, but you’ll never admit it.

6. “UGH, I should’ve bussed/cabbed/gotten a ride.”

That way, you could’ve just been a passenger without any of these thoughts and could have let other people worry. It would have been easy sailing if you just chilled in the back seat.

7. “I just need to get there without any accidents.”

At this point, it’s too late. You’re already in too deep into the journey to head back. Your only thought is that if you drive real slowly on the left lane, or walk super slowly…you can do it with no problems.


As soon as you walk over the patch of black ice, or drive down a hill and need to brake quickly at a red light — this is your only thought. Statistics are not on your side, and you truly believe that this is the time you’re going to be the day you get into an accident.

9. “I survived.”

OH THANK GOD, you pulled into the parking lot and safely arrived inside the building with no scratches. You survived with no accidents, and you’re filled with joy until you realize that you have to drive or walk back in this weather.

As a kid, snow meant being able to frolic around in all kinds of cold, and hot chocolate in your best friend’s kitchen. As a 22-year-old, snow means a struggle to do anything. I don’t necessarily hate snow, I actually love it…while I’m on the inside looking out. The struggle of snow begins when I have to properly function in it.

Featured Image via Tency O’Connor.

