Keeping Our Live Music Scene Rocking

Sombal Music
Live & Local Music
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2016

Live and local music is the lifeblood and absolute pinnacle of the music industry, as well as being perhaps the most important financial source of an Artist’s career. We all know the feeling of hearing a song on the radio and then experiencing how much more amazing it is when we can experience it performed live. However, quite a few people are starting to suggest that the certain threats, namely music streaming services such as Spotify and Pandora, as well as new lockout laws across the country, are about to bring the live music scene to an end. To that we say…we are just getting started!

Australia has a rich history of musicians making it big after months and years of constant gigging — just look at AC/DC, INXS, Midnight Oil, Hilltop Hoods, Bliss N Eso, and more recently The Rubens. And they all say the same thing: they wouldn’t be where they are now without the support of fans that went to their gigs and shows as they toured around the country. For many Australians, going to local gigs is just as important to their culture as beaches, beers and barbecues. Put simply, going to gigs is Australian. And it will stay that way for a long time to come.

The emergence of new music streaming platforms has made listening to music with headphones on easier than ever before. And while these platforms are doing some incredible things for the music industry, we know that for the Australian music scene to prosper, we need to continue to grow our venue based live music scene. Maintaining a healthy and sustainable venue based live music scene is essential to a healthy music industry. And anyway, we prefer our music loud, so headphones just won’t do.

That said, despite these new threats, NSW continues to have new live music venues open, and existing venues continue to put on gigs. Sombal is the next step in sending the live music scene to new heights. By connecting Artists, Venues and Fans we are revolutionising the way we support the local music industry. Artists can finally use their fan base to charge higher rates, and Venues can use Artist’s fan bases to attract new customers and begin to maximise the benefits of putting on live and local music.

In finishing, we believe that Australia’s live and local music industry has nothing to fear because supporting local talent is engraved into Australian culture. Live and local music in Australia is just getting louder and louder!

Originally published at Sombal.



Sombal Music
Live & Local Music

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