A Message for The Incurably Uncuratable

The latest top story in Medium news.

Katy Velvet
Live Long and Prospurr
3 min readApr 28, 2019


For the second month in a row, MPP Friends have added dozens of new reports to the year’s list of confirmed uncuratable cases. As of Sunday night, they are putting out a warning to others who might have been exposed to the outbreak too.

The uncuratables is a recently discovered condition that is evidenced by the feelings of hopelessness, low motivation and for some — a loss of interest in writing on Medium.

If you have ever received the following message below, you may have been exposed to a case of the uncuratables.

“Our curators were not able to review this story for distribution in topics due to high volume. This story will still be shared with followers.”

No one knows exactly what causes the uncuratables. It is clear that Medium Curation Guidelines are ambiguous, and they have even stated themselves that their process is a mysterious one.

Having the uncuratables can be intense and unrelenting but with assistance from MPP Friends, you can learn to manage the symptoms of this condition.

Symptoms include:

  • Irritability, anxiousness…



Katy Velvet
Live Long and Prospurr

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.