On specialization

stan klimoff
live stanklimoff com
1 min readJan 16, 2015


Specialization is good, since it promotes trade.

However, trade introduces overhead of transactional costs.

As with every other design problems, the trick is to put the boundaries in the right place. Features that require unique skills from multiple team members are indeed the plague of modern software development. That is exemplified by “tiered systems”, which require a front-end developer, a back-end developer and a DBA to engage in a multi-step transaction to introduce any meaningful change to the system. Immediately, all the tell-tale signs of a transactional economy emerge: volume discounts, guild behavior, and price fixing cartels.

Emergence of “full-stack developers”, as well as NoSQL and DevOps movements can be see as a rebellion against this transactional economy. People and organizations are yearning for self-sufficiency, the good ol’ days of feudal craftsmen-based economy. The pendulum is yet to do a full swing, but the momentum is definitely there.

