Live video predictions for 2017

Krishna De
Live Streaming Tips
2 min readDec 11, 2016

I don’t typically do prediction posts for digital communications — I do however think long and hard about what I would like to see happen in the world of technology that could make our lives better both now and for the future.

I was however invited to provide a ‘prediction’ for a ‘round up’ of people who are deeply involved with live video and live streaming.

Here is a summary of what I said as we were all asked to share one or two sentences:

While we have seen lots of innovation with live video platforms for desktop in 2016, in the year ahead I anticipate that we will see increasingly more niche mobile live stream platforms including integrating VR, 360 live video and accessories such as drones.

And established mobile live video tools will continue to evolve. I anticipate the consolidation of Periscope with Twitter Live video which at the moment run as completely separate business units offering different features, driven partly through the need to reduce overheads at Twitter Inc.

I do have a long ‘wish list’ of things I would like to see and anticipate happening with live streaming in the year ahead. I’ll be posting about that soon.

I will also let you know when the live video predictions article is available — which will probably be later this week.

What are you hopes and predictions for live video in 2017 — and even beyond?!

To catch up on the major news that happened in 2016 platform updates check out my Live Stream Insiders shows and the articles on

#livevideo #socialvideo #livestream #2017 #livevideopredictions #LiveStreamInsiders

This article was originally posted on my Google Plus profile.



Krishna De
Live Streaming Tips

Strategic communications, content marketing, talent and organisation development strategist and educator— find me at