17 Items You Will Actually Use In Your Classroom That Should Be On Your Amazon Wishlist This Year

Emma Stinnette
Live Wire Learners


Because we all know that our classrooms aren’t funded by the state or district, right?

Accommodations Stamp

I am so passionate about this item that I put it first! READ those IEPs people! See what accommodations your students have, what they need, and keep track of how they are executed in your classroom. This stamp does it all for you, with no problems.

Cut-out Letters

I don’t have these specific ones, but there’s nothing worse than trying to cut out small little letters for a bulletin board. Just save yourself the trouble! It also helps keep a consistent classroom theme, if you’re into that.

Cream Light Covers

I know the popular thing is the blue ones…but it makes your classroom look so cold. The cream ones bring a warmer light to your classroom, and still block the fluorescent lights extremely well.


Laminating pouches

I use this every single day, and I wish I was joking. You will always be running out!

Velcro Dots

Mini Hot Glue Sticks

Broom + Dustpan

In a dream school, in a fantasy world, your classroom gets cleaned every day. I have some very sad news for those of you who are living in this fantasy world…but you will probably be both the teacher and the janitor in your environment, and that’s just how it is. Also, kids spill things all of the time. Best to have a broom handy at the end of the day!

Clorox Wipes

Again, desks get so gross with germy fingers touching them every day. Save yourself from the flu by being proactive.

Desk Organizers

Chances are, you’ll inherit the desk of someone who’s been teaching for 28 years and never bothered to clean out their desk. These save so much time from trying to reach and find whatever you’re looking for.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Middle schoolers smell gross. Kids smell gross. Enough said!

Hand Cream

Self care= essential. I keep some in my desk at all times, and it goes a long way!


Again on the self-care bit. Keep some in your desk at all times, and you’ll thank me later.

Travel Deodorant

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to put deodorant on before coming to school. Also a great item to have in your desk.

Bouncy Bands

Easiest way to keep your energetic kiddos entertained. I swear by these!


I don’t even care if you don’t drink coffee. Tea, hot chocolate, and the amenity of having hot water is so important. Bring a ramen cup for lunch? Easy to heat up warm water for it with a Keurig!

Label Maker + Refills

I’m really Type-A and everything MUST have a label.

