This is why being lazy will do you good.

Jerlin Huang
Live Your Best Life
3 min readNov 21, 2018


“silver iMac with keyboard and trackpad inside room” by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

I’ll admit it, I am a lazy person. I am that person who’ll go under the barricades at airport immigration lines just so I don’t have to make a big U-turn. I visit the office restroom with my water bottle so I can refill it in the pantry beside because I don’t want to make two trips down. I am so lazy that I want to know all the shortcuts in life.

Some people treat laziness as a disease. But could it actually be something that could be leveraged on as a strength? Laziness is not some fatal flaw you have to get rid of. I’m not embarrassed when somebody calls me a lazy person. In fact, being a lazy person has made me happier and more productive. Being lazy does not mean not doing the job. That’s procrastination, putting off work, avoiding a task. Get rid of that instead.

Laziness is a state of mind. It means you want to achieve more with less. It means thinking of the most efficient way to get the job done effectively. Being hardworking has always been regarded as the opposite of being lazy. But being hardworking does not mean you are producing the best work in the best way. It is so important to pause and think:

  • What are you so busy with?
  • Why are you so busy?
  • How can you stop being this crazy busy human being?

