Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

You Always Need To Have A Plan

…and always be open to changes

Athirah Syamimi
3 min readFeb 26, 2020


As I look back, I realised everything (good or bad) that happened had led me to exactly where I want to be. It’s all going according to plan; A plan that I created in my vision board.

Years ago, I told my former boss that I wanted to become a writer. He basically told me that I wouldn’t make it because he knows people who actually studied in the creative space and they found it insanely hard to be a writer. And these are people who trained to become something that they want to get paid for.

Of course, that bruised my confidence but I was determined to prove him wrong. That same year, I was hired as a content producer and one of my main responsibility was to write.

Did it all go according to plan? Hell, yes!

Did I have to make changes along the way? Also, yes.

When I left, I wanted to immediately get paid to write. This was a time before I learnt about Medium. Hence, I tried to conquer the easiest way to get paid — freelance writing.

I created both a Fiverr and Upwork account, got a couple of very cheap gigs, and started writing. When I said cheap, I meant really, really dirt cheap. The gigs paid extremely low, making it impossible for me to get by.

