10 Bitter Truths that most people learn too late.

Even if you don’t agree, you cannot deny it.

Purushottam Banerjee
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readNov 8, 2020


Photo by Raden Masputra on Unsplash

What a rollercoaster life is. Always ready to teach us a new lesson. Unveiling the truth along the way. Bitter or Sweet.

Some wise men might say They have mastered it. But No matter how successful you are, or how much knowledge you are.

You cannot really comprehend the true marvel that we call LIfe.

And sometime’s it teaches us the hard way with The Bitter Truth.

Ignoring the truth won’t make a difference. Truth can’t be changed, and only ignoring them is not going to change your life.

Learning via failures is the one we should value the most. Learnings had hurt us and helped us to grow. Be it, procrastinating over that one big project or driving recklessly to get into an accident. These lessons stick with us forever.

Generally, it takes a long time before they say.

“Oh, now I get it”

But one can always learn from others. So, here are 10 Bitter Truths that most people learn too late:

1. Happiness is not to be Chased After.

It is just an emotion like sadness, fatigue, or excitement.

Judging your life with a metric of emotion is just wrong.

You are bound to feel all the emotions in a rainbow, not just a mundane
color of happiness.

2. College Tag Matters.

Formal Education from a big college is very helpful to your career and wellbeing. It helps you get access to the top research facilities and will have professors who have a deep understanding of the subjects.

The primary reason why you should join any reputed colleges are:

  1. Job opportunities. Most of the top gun companies still campus-recruit from big colleges.
  2. Having a peer group of high value. They are just like you, full of energy and passionate about the same subject as you.
  3. If you are of an entrepreneurial mindset, then most of them have an incubation center.

This should explain why most of the entrepreneurs and successful men have a big college tag under their resume.

3. Mental Health is Important.

We ignore the emotional messages that tell us something is wrong and try toughing it out by distracting ourselves or self-medicating with alcohol, drugs, or self-destructive behaviors. We bottle up our problems in the hope that others won’t notice. We hope that our situation will eventually improve on its own. Or we simply give up — telling ourselves

this is “just the way we are.”

And this neglect often leads to some serious issues later in life. THey lead to anxiety, depression, and even worse physiological disorders.

At this age and time where social engineers design products and instant gratification is found everywhere. It becomes very crucial to take care of your spirit.

4. Nobody But you Cares about your Next Big Idea.

You told 15 people about your next big idea. Guess what?

Nobody gives two dimes of your dream.

And why should they? Did you give attention to someone’s dream and admiration? The answer mostly is NO.

Dreams and Figments are part of You, and you are responsible to make it happen. Others might only help you to achieve.

So buckle up and work for yourself. Period.

5. There is Going to be Bad Days.

There are going to be days where you will doubt yourself, envy others, and be in a very uneasy place.

You have to fight those days to have the best days of your life.

You need to realize that even the best of individuals have days when they want to Quit.

But Hang in there.

Not every morning is a warm and empowering one. Some are gloomy and muddy.

“While you cry in the darkness, always remember it will be 3 o’clock and Sunny outside tomorrow.”

6. Your Clothes Do Matter.

Ever seen a pilot wearing shorts to fly a plane, or a minister giving a speech in pajamas? The sane answer is NO.

The clothes might not make a man, but it does portray a lot about his personality.

Nothing fancy and costly, just wear well fitted and clean clothes. That’s as simple as it gets.

7. Stop Pleasing Everyone.

Since we are born, we are taught to be people’s person. But we are never successful in the process. There is always someone who disproves your thoughts. Simple things like your accent can be pungent to some.

So, Why Care? Stop being a people pleaser and learn to value people based on how they treat you.

Have a priority in life to those whom you really care for.

8. Listen A lot more than You Speak.

The world would have been a better place if we could all follow just a simple line.

Listen to understand, not to respond.

Too often, we speak our minds without taking their thoughts into consideration. Learning to speak as a dialogue rather than a monologue can go a long way.

It builds trust, empathy, and mostly a healthy relation with others.

9. No friendships Last forever.

They say that you will cross paths with many souls in your life. Some will teach you difficult lessons that you will need to learn, some will betray you and leave you to pick up the pieces of yourself and some will show you the wonders and beauty that life holds. I have been blessed to acquire a lot of friends that come from all different walks of life. I’ve had some friends come and go, and I’ve had others by my side for if I can remember.

But The inevitable truth is None will last forever.

No matter how hard you try, circumstances will tear away your friend.

Only a few lucky fellows ever get to live out a long friendship that will eventually be taken away by Old-age.

And I think this is what makes Friendships to be cherished more, The limited time you spend with a person you absolutely love.

10. Your Time is very very Limited.

A third of your life is spent sleeping, and another third is wasted in school, college, and daily chores. Scary isn’t it?

Make Each of Them Count. That is the average lifespan in the United States today: 27,375 days. If you are typical, that is what was deposited in your “time bank” when you were born

Time is the only currency we should be bothered about in our life. This is what we were allocated with at our birth, and it is totally upon us to invest it.

Some may invest it in living a dull and frugal life. But some of them, Invest wisely. On the right person, on the right Job, and being mindful of what truly matters.

BONUS: Never Shy away from a New Adventure.

This turned out to be a pretty serious article. So here is lighthearted advice from me.

Never ever leave a chance to write, sing, and dance. Grab every adventure by the arm. Make every moment count.

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Thanks a lot for reading.



Purushottam Banerjee
Live Your Life On Purpose

Software Engineer| Film enthusiast| Story Teller || Wants to make the world better.