10 Goals To Set For Yourself In 2020 That Will Change Your life

Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 1, 2020


Hello, 2020!

If you’re reading this, you’ve made it to 2020.


If you’re like me, you love new beginnings and a fresh start. And today, you get a fresh start to set goals and create the life that you’ve always wanted.

You don’t have to be who you were yesterday, or who you were in the last decade.

You get 365 days to show up: to work on your goals, to work on yourself, to become the best you that you can be.

The start of the decade starts with you and the choices that you make. Here are 10 goals that you can set for yourself in 2020 that will change the course of your life.

1. Do One Thing Each Day That Moves You Closer To Your Goal

This year is about developing the habit of consistency, to make daily progress towards your goal. Identify a key goal in your life that you would like to achieve in 2020, and allot a set time each day to work on it. You’ll realize that your goal that seems massive, is achievable as you make progress towards it.

2. Learn Something New Everyday

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As you embark on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself in 2020, challenge yourself to learn something new every day. The more you learn, the more knowledge you gain in improving key areas of your life such as your finances, your career, and your relationships.

You can begin learning new skills on websites like Linkedin Learning, Lynda, Coursera, or by watching a TED talk.

3. Read At Least 15 pages A Day

Imagine dedicating time every day to read 15 pages from a life-transforming book. Over time, as you read, you’ll begin to realize that you’re learning new insights, new skills and a better way to live your life. Reading each day will widen your perspective and transform how you think. And applying what you learn from what you read, has the power to change your life for the better.

4. Exercise Regularly

Your body is the vehicle that you have to take you through this life. You can have all the goals and aspirations, but if you failed to keep your body healthy, you may never live to see your dreams come to pass. And even if you do, you may not be in good health to enjoy it. So commit to exercising regularly, whether it’s 30 minutes a day, or three times a week. Your future self will thank you for it.

5. Save More

I know you would rather buy coffee or buy those new shoes you’ve seen on JustFab. But if you can set a goal to save 20 percent of your income every month, you’ll start to realize that you can afford to do those things that you want to do. Like saving for a vacation, a new car, a down payment on a home, or whatever your heart desire.

6. Pay Off Your Debt

The sooner you get rid of your debt, the closer to financial freedom you’ll become. I know it doesn’t put a smile on your face to make monthly payments towards your car loan, Sallie Mae, credit card loan, or whatever else debt you have. But the sooner that you can pay off your debt, the more money you’ll have to dedicate towards other things that actually matters to you in life.

7. Travel More

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

This year is the time to book a flight and explore a new city or country that you’ve never been to. Make a commitment to yourself to explore and visit new places. Get rid of the misconception that you have to travel far, or that you need a lot of money to travel. Give yourself the gift of experiencing different cultures, meeting new people and experiencing life from a different lens.

8. Stay Hydrated

Growing up, you’ve heard all the benefits of drinking more water. Benefits like making your skin glow, losing weight, preventing cancer, boosting your metabolism, etc. Challenge yourself this year to drink 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

9. Develop A Daily Relationship With God

This year, commit yourself to spend intentional time with God. This can range from reading your Bible to praying or worshipping God daily. To do this consistently, I recommend allotting a set time each day that is dedicated for just you and God. When your spiritual life is filled, all areas of your life start to follow the course.

10. Be Intentional In Your relationships

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Challenge yourself this year to be more intentional in investing in your relationships with friends and family. Dedicate times to call, text and check on loved ones. And when spending time with loved ones, disconnect from your phones and be here now. Be intentional about scheduling dates, and hangouts with friends. This year, be the sibling or the friend that your loved ones need.



Syera Weah
Live Your Life On Purpose

I write to inspire others to become the best versions of themselves. You can connect with me on https://www.instagram.com/syeralove/ or syeralove.com