10 Things People Regret Later in Life

Culled from the commonly mentioned regrets among aging people.

Emeka Nwanedo
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

The best way to avoid regret is to spend time with the elderly and listening to their regrets.


Because in doing so, you can see an image of yourself if you follow the path they did.

1. Choosing Work Over Family

How do you balance work and family time?

You’d say to yourself, it’s not a big deal if I stay late at work just this one time. I’ll make it up to the family this weekend.

But in reality, these make-ups never seem to happen.

You have a deadline to meet and at the same time, you want to sit down with your family and have a nice dinner.

It’s tough.

A few days turn into weeks, then months. And before you know it, time flies! You don't even know what's going on in the lives of those you say you care about.

Working hard at the expense of a personal life is one of the commonly mentioned regrets among those who are aging.

In fact,

I discovered a book by Vicki Robin (titled Your Money or Your Life) that places substantial emphasis on similar issues.



Emeka Nwanedo
Live Your Life On Purpose

2X Top Writer. An ex-banker who’s now dedicated to lifelong learning. A proud dad of 2 lovely kids and a Master’s degree holder in Psychology.