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11 Quotes that will Inspire You To Stop Caring About What Other People Think

You don’t have time to live an unauthentic life

Cyndi Zaweski
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readMay 13, 2020


If I could magically fix one thing about myself, it would be to have Teflon-like armor against what others think of me — or, more accurately, what I think others think about me. We are often our own worst critics and can project our feelings when evaluating what others think of us.

But even if they don’t think highly of us, and the simple fact is some people won’t think you’re the bee’s knees no matter what you do to or for them, why do we put so much weight into other people’s perceptions?

I will venture to say that a lot of people share in my magic fix fantasy. Humans are social animals, and not wanting to be abandon by the pack is a basic survival instinct from the time when we were hunters and gathers. People literally survived by being liked and accepted by others — strength in number.

Today, Gary from accounting might not be your biggest fan, but you’re not relying on him to catch and kill dinner so why spend any effort trying to change his mind?

According to Psychology Today, actively trying to get people to like you is a surefire way to invoke the opposite reaction.



Cyndi Zaweski
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writing at the intersection of business and personal growth to inspire insightful storytelling content. Tell Better Stories: www.cyndizaweski.com/newsletter