11 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Be Happier and More Successful

#7 Letting others control your life.

Neeramitra Reddy
Live Your Life On Purpose
9 min readNov 11, 2020


In life, we are quick to blame external factors for being unhappy or unsuccessful while not realizing that most often, we ourselves are the real culprits.

Willingly or unwillingly, we often do things that sabotage our happiness and success. I want to share 11 such things with you.

1. Speaking before thinking

Under the influence of feelings, emotions, or the situation, we often blurt unpleasant things that we don’t mean or intend to. Such things become a cause for rifts in relations and much regret later on.

During a short argument with a close friend, my temper flared and I happened to utter really hurtful things which wrecked our friendship.

It took months to mend what a moment broke, such is the power of the tongue.

The wounds inflicted by harsh words are more painful and take much longer to heal than physical ones. Cato has rightly said,

“I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid.”

The takeaway

