12 Psychological Facts That Will Empower a Better Life

#7 You’re evolved to make errors when you think

Jonas Ressem
Live Your Life On Purpose


©Jonas Ressem

There are people who only see half of what's in front of them. If you instructed them to draw a clock, they would only draw numbers on one side of the face. This condition is called hemispatial neglect, and those affected have no possibility of perceiving the things located on their damaged side of the visual space.

Though psychology is full of such weird and cool examples, it was not the fun-facts that made me study it in the first place; it was the way it improved my life.

What it would actually look like

Two years before starting my psychology degree, I studied something completely different: Geography. It was not something I chose because of passion, but rather, it was the result of a mistake. However, since I didn’t really know what I wanted back then, I accepted the fact and settled in.

But as the months passed by, something started to change. Looking back, it was not the result of any single force, but not knowing what to do with my life definitely helped it come along. I was getting depressed. And, as I didn’t have the means to withstand it, it slowly…



Jonas Ressem
Live Your Life On Purpose

From Norway. Building onliving.life. Exploring life through psychology, philosophy and entrepreneurship. Come explore with me: http://eepurl.com/dAtfdv