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15 Minutes To A Big Meeting And Are You Spinning Out Of Control?

5 Ways To Restore Your Balance Within 10 Minutes

Anitha Sankaran
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readMar 10, 2020


My calendar pops up a big meeting within fifteen minutes, but I feel out of control and want to go for a spa or want to hit my bed. There is no time to groove me back. I guess it’s not me, but many of us have undergone such a situation. Am I right?

While running back and having a hot spa isn’t an option possible, we have to find some way to restore our balance within a short period. At such times give this technique a shot.

1 Minute Deep Breathe

You don’t have to move anywhere. Sit or stand where you are. Close your eyes. Breathe in for a count of 5 and breathe out for a count of 5. Repeat this for 5 to 6 times.

2 Minutes Stretches

Stretch your arms, stretch your legs and twist your waist. Stretching the muscles relieves stress and cuts down the adrenaline rush. Repeat the stretches for 2 minutes.

3 Minutes Walk

Get up from your workplace. Walk to the cafe. Grab a cup of water. Drink it and walk back to your desk. If you are working from home, then take a short walk for 3 minutes and come back. Ultimately your aim should be leaving your workstation for a tiny walking break. Walking eases your brain functions and circulates the blood evenly to the body. It is a quick fix for relieving stress.

4 Minutes Music

Hear 2 of your favorite songs or 4 minutes of soothing music. Music reduces exhaustion and sends happy vibes to the brain. It cuts you off from tiresome and stressful reality and gives you a boost up.

5 Minutes Warm-up

You might have spent 10 minutes by now relaxing. Now it’s time to get ready for your meeting, which is within 5 minutes. Warm-up and prepare yourself for the next five minutes. You will feel light and confident.



Anitha Sankaran
Live Your Life On Purpose

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.