20 Ways You Can Find Inner Peace (Yes, It’s Really Possible)

Peace begins with you, but you’ve got to work at it.

Rose Bak
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Stoica Ionela on Unsplash

How often do you feel at peace with yourself?

I was in a yoga class one day and the teacher-led us in a guided meditation.

“Imagine a time you were at peace with yourself,” she began. “Remember how you felt then, what it was like to be at peace.”

And I thought, “Huh? At peace with myself? When was I at peace with myself?”

And I thought some more. The meditation ended.

I thought some more. Class ended and I kept on pondering.

I couldn’t think of a time when I had been at peace with myself. I thought some more, days went by, and the instructor’s question kept popping into my head.

And I had to conclude that I’ve never been at peace with myself. It really bothered me.

“Is anyone ever at peace with themselves?” my best friend asked when I told her about this. Good question.

I started to reframe the meditation in my head. Maybe the key was to ask yourself to think of a time you felt at peace for even a few moments and draw on that, I told myself. But even those moments seemed few and far between.



Rose Bak
Live Your Life On Purpose

Rose Bak is a freelance non-fiction writer as well as the author of more than 50 books. Find Rose's books at bit.ly/AuthorRoseBak .