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28 Enlightening Life Lessons From My 28 Years

Challenge your mind and blossom

Amardeep Parmar
4 min readFeb 10, 2020


Entering into the late 20s is scary. You straddle between being considered young but you also have several years experience in the real world.

We all live our lives at different paces. It is easy to compare to others. Some people are happily married, some people are high-flying in their careers and some people are simply loving life.

As I turn 28, I think I’m the best version of myself and here are some of the mantras I try to live by.

Yes, I’m uncool enough to keep track of quotes that inspire me and no, I won’t apologize.

I hope you find value in these and it challenges any mindsets bringing you unhappiness!

#1 Appreciate the everyday

“Set up a life you don’t need to escape from” — Seth Godin

#2 Confidence can mask insecurity

“Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle” — Ian MacLaren

#3 Aggression is the last option but still an option

“So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop…



Amardeep Parmar

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆ https://antiburnout.mindfuldriven.com