3 Best Places You Can Meet & Make New Like-Minded Friends In 2021

You’re gonna have to put yourself out there, sista.

Nikki McMillan
Live Your Life On Purpose
4 min readJan 21, 2021


Welcome back to reading the sequel from part one of “How You Know It’s Time to Meet & Make New Girlfriends.” I feel I might have left you hanging a bit in this last article, which is why I wanted to write part two about where to meet and make new like-minded girlfriends.

Let’s jump right in!

Meetup Groups

Meetup.com, in my opinion, is one of the absolute best places to meet new like-minded women locally in your neck of the woods. I swear by it because that’s where I’ve met three of my closest girlfriends that I have today.

Six years ago, I went through a life transformation, literally. I hit a major exhaustion point in my career, was sick of having “situational friendships,” dating all the wrong guys, and feeling no sense of purposeful direction in my life. That’s when I discovered life-coaching, and my life coach told me about Meetup.com.

There are so many different kinds of groups, online or in-person groups, and yes, even during a pandemic. A client of mine was brave enough to start her own in-person “Women’s Saturday Morning Walking Club” Meetup group several weeks ago. I am so proud of and excited for her because she’s been desiring new and healthy friendships with other like-minded women for years, and now she’s building them.

This is huge, ladies because if we don’t surround ourselves with people who are kind, genuine, and supportive without strings attached, it sets us up for unbearable loneliness, depression, and massive trust issues. Obviously, this is not good. So why not put yourself out there and in a position to meet new like-minded people. They’re there and waiting, believe me. So, go get your Meetup on!

Online programs and courses that offer a community.

I went through an online personal development course a few years ago, and what do you know, I met amazing women! As a matter of fact, I’m just getting home from a two-week cross-country winter road-trip with my fiancé. One of our three-day stops was in Wisconsin, visiting a friend I met in this online program. That’s the power of having an online community.

Now, I had to put the effort in too. During the program, I was highly intentional in meeting and making new girlfriends. I was often suggesting and offering connecting over zoom to discuss what we were learning in the program more in-depth.

I even asked a few people if they wanted to be accountability buddies, and Skye, one of them actually lives in Wisconsin. We live 12 hours from each other but have met up over long weekends a couple of times in the past two years and make it a point to connect over a zoom tea date at least once a month. We also stay connected via text sharing empowering podcasts and YouTube videos with each other.

Is there a program or an online course you’ve been wanting to take but haven’t because it’s outside of your comfort zone?

Here’s the deal, you must be willing and open to new ways to meet new people. I understand how scary and vulnerable trying something like this might feel, but I guarantee the temporary discomfort is worth it.

There’s nothing like having fulfilling girlfriend friendships.

I say it so passionately like this because I felt lonely and misunderstood in most of my twenties and early thirties. I didn’t really have supportive unconditional friendships during these years, so now, today, they mean the world to me and are a big part of my heart feeling full each day.

Your clients and co-workers.

Interesting times we are working in lately, huh? I, for the most part, have always worked from home and love it. I love working my own schedule, having my privacy, and overall freedom in everyday life.

I have a few businesses, life-coaching being one of them where I invest 80% of my time, energy, and heart. I love helping women change their lives for the better, and they love doing that for themselves, too.

Are you seeing how my clients and I are not so different from each other at the end of the day?

My clients and their needs are top priority in the three months we’re working together, of course. However, it’s not unusual that we end up becoming friends and continue to stay in touch once they graduate from my program.

Because after all, I am coaching women who are in life now where I used to be several years ago. As we work together and I coach them toward becoming the confident woman they’re meant to be, in record time, we end up discovering how similar our values, goals, and dreams really are. And that is how we end up staying connected, meeting for lunch, and taking vacations together.

I hope you take me up on exploring one of these three options on how to put yourself out there by meeting and making new girlfriends in 2021. It’s not as scary as it may seem. If anything, it’s a fun and exciting journey.

Like I said earlier, there’s nothing like having healthy girlfriend friendships. I firmly believe having supportive and loving women who have your back is how we’ll continue to get through these unprecedented times with more grace.



Nikki McMillan
Live Your Life On Purpose

Life & Relationship Coach for Single Women | I love teaching and sharing valuable life & relationship tips through writing and YouTube.