3 Exceptional Habits of Successful People We All Should Have To Achieve Our Own Success

The simple three habits that hold the key to success we can copy.

Josef Cruz
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

When I speak of successful people, I usually mean very rich and wealthy people. For this article, I focused entirely on billionaires, because after all, they are pretty rich and wealthy.

What are some of the daily habits of successful people, or in this case, billionaires' habits?

Billionaires are known to take on incredible amounts of risk to reach their goals. A lot of them literally have unusual rags to riches story to be admired. They started with nothing and built an empire.

Well, not all of them started from the very bottom, and some of them had a massive amount of financial security through family behind them to back them up, but the fact is that a lot of them did.

The main reason for their success is something we can all copy. The simple three traits we should all learn to copy and imitate to achieve our own success are the following:

  • Hard work
  • Determination
  • Resiliency

So how do I convert those three habits to my current situation?

Personal adaptation



Josef Cruz
Live Your Life On Purpose

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.